Overview Of Part 2 Of The Seminar
In this second of three sessions in our seminar, we will be focusing upon interpretations and incorporations of Hegel's master-slave dialectic into the work and thought of other philosophers, as well as on thinkers one might expect have Hegel's master-slave dialectic in mind, but who it turns out do not actually reference it.
The first group include Alexander Kojeve and Jean Hyppolite who are both important mid-century interpreters of Hegel, and other authors like Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Jacques Lacan, and Frantz Fanon.
The second group include Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, Buber, Martin Buber, and Martin Heidegger.
I will be presenting the key ideas and development from this section of the work during the session.
You do not have to have read the text(s) previously, though of course, that may be helpful for understanding some of the key ideas that are worked out in them.
We will have plenty of time for Q&A and discussion during this session. You should feel free to ask questions at any point during the seminar, and you can use your microphone or the chat to do so.