(FAQ) Frequently Asked Questions

There are a number of commonly or frequently asked questions that will be asked, so this is a page where they can be addressed. We may add more questions and answers to those addressed below as time goes on.

Question: If I'm enrolled in this class, do I have to attend all of the sessions?

Answer: No, you don't. You aren't working towards credit or a grade by participating. You can attend and participate in as many or as few of the sessions as you wish. You are also welcome to watch the videorecordings of sessions as well.

Question: What if I miss a session? Do I have to "make it up" in some way?

Answer: We videorecord each of the sessions and I will post those videorecordings here in the class site. So if you missed a session that you really were looking forward to, you'll be able to watch the video afterwards.

Question: Do I have to do all of the readings before the session?

Answer: The readings are what we will be covering in the class, so it would be good for you to read them ahead of the session, if you have the time. You'll be able to get a lot out of the session, though, even if you can't get to the readings beforehand. And you can always go back to the readings after the session as well.

Question: What will we be doing during the class sessions?

Answer: During each session, I'll have some fairly extensive notes about each of the topics from the text that I'll cover by presenting. We'll have lots of room in the sessions built in for you students to brung up questions, ask for clarifications, raise issues, and make other comments

Question: I'm hoping that this class will help me to improve my own mind by studying and perhaps putting into practice the insights Nietzsche sets out in the work. Will it do that?

Answer: Not necessarily, but most likely, Yes! Studying any great philosopher's works, and looking closely at their claims and arguments will probably help you to improve your thought processes. In the case of Nietzsche, he is explicitly setting out and leading us readers through ways of thinking deeply about fundamental topics having to do with values and valuations. So you will quite likely find that useful for improving your mind.

Question: Will I be required to agree with Nietzsche's' perspective in taking this class?

Answer: No, you won't. That's not how Philosophy classes typically work. The main goal here is to help students better and more fully understand Nietzsche's perspective, and then it is up to you do decide whether or not you agree with it, and what portions of it you might find more plausible

Question: Can I engage in "spirited debate" in the class sessions or discussion forums?

Answer: That depends on what you mean by that term. Debating is only one of many different ways in which we engage with each other in Philosophy, and it's not the most important. What is centrally important is engaging with each other thoughtfully, respectfully, and civilly.

Question: Is it all right for me to share the Zoom link with other people?

Answer: This is not a free course, so you may not share the Zoom link with anyone else who is not enrolled in this course.

Question: Can I have more than one person watching or listening to a session through my Zoom interface?

Answer: You certainly can. That's not a problem at all. The more the merrier!

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