Six Key Platonic Dialogues: Ion, Meno, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo
This 8-session class leads students through six of Plato's dialogues. These are the Ion, Meno, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo. These dialogues center around the end of Socrates' teaching and life. This class is open to everyone who wants to learn, from beginners to those who have a well-developed background in philosophy!
During each 90-minute class session, we will discuss relevant passages from the dialogue being discussed, examine arguments and claims, discuss problems, and address questions. Each session will be structured to include plenty of time for Q&A and dialogue.
Students enrolled in the class gain access to downloadable PDF handouts. Class sessions will be videorecorded, and available for students enrolled in the class
During each class session, we will discuss relevant passages from the dialogue studied, examine examples, discuss problems, and address questions. Each session will be structured to include plenty of time for Q&A and dialogue.