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Half Hour Hegel - The Complete Phenomenology of Spirit (eventually)
Introduction to This Course Site
The Purpose of This Course Site
The Translation of Hegel's Phenomenology Used
The History of the Half Hour Hegel Project So Far
Video - How Half Hour Hegel Videos Are Made
The Online Half Hour Hegel Community
Monthly Q&A Sessions (and Other Events) - Log Into Them Here
The Schedule for Q&A Sessions and Other Hegel Events
Forum - Introduce Yourself (if you'd like to)
The Commentary Videos - Preface Through Self-Consciousness (paragraphs 1-230)
The Preface (paragraphs 1-72)
The Introduction (paragraphs 73-89)
Consciousness - Sense-Certainty (paragraphs 90-110)
Consciousness - Perception (paragraphs 111-131)
Consciousness - Force and the Understanding (paragraphs 132-165)
Self-Consciousness - The Truth of Self-Certainty (paragraphs 166-177)
Self-Consciousness - Lordship and Bondage (paragraphs 178-196)
Self-Consciousness - Stoicism, Skepticism, and the Unhappy Consciousness (paragraphs 197-230)
The Commentary Videos - Reason (paragraphs 231-437)
Reason - The Certainty and Truth of Reason (paragraphs 231-239)
Reason - Observing Reason (paragraphs 240-243)
Reason - Observing Reason - Observation of Nature (paragraphs 244-297)
Reason - Observing Reason - Observation of Self-Consciousness in its Purity (paragraphs 298-308)
Reason - Observing Reason - Physiognomy and Phrenology (paragraphs 309-346)
Reason - Actualization of Self-Consciousness (paragraphs 347-359)
Reason - Actualization of Self-Consciousness - Pleasure and Necessity (paragraphs 360-366)
Reason - Actualization of Self-Consciousness - The Law of the Heart (paragraphs 367-380)
Reason - Actualization of Self-Consciousness - Virtue and the Way of the World (paragraphs 381-393 )
Reason - Individuality Which Takes Itself To Be Real (paragraphs 394-396)
Reason - Individuality Which Takes Itself To Be Real - The Spiritual Animal Kingdom (paragraphs 397-418)
Reason - Individuality Which Takes Itself To Be Real - Reason As Lawgiver (paragraphs 419-428)
Reason - Individuality Which Takes Itself To Be Real - Reason As Testing Laws (paragraphs 429-437) )
The Commentary Videos - Spirit (paragraphs 438-671)
Spirit - The True Spirit, The Ethical Order
Spirit - The Ethical World. Human And Divine Law. Man and Woman
Spirit - The True Spirit, The Ethical Order - Ethical Action. Human and Divine knowledge. Guilt and Destiny
Spirit - The True Spirit, The Ethical Order - Legal Status
Spirit - Self-Alienated Spirit. Culture
Spirit - Self-Alienated Spirit. Culture - The World of Self-Alienated Spirit
Spirit - Self-Alienated Spirit. Culture - The World of Self-Alienated Spirit - Culture and its Realm of Actuality
Spirit - Self-Alienated Spirit. Culture - The World of Self-Alienated Spirit - Faith and pure Insight
Spirit - Self-Alienated Spirit. Culture - The Enlightenment
Spirit - Self-Alienated Spirit. Culture - The Enlightenment - The Struggle of the Enlightenment with Superstition
Spirit - Self-Alienated Spirit. Culture - The Enlightenment - The Truth of Enlightenment
Spirit - Self-Alienated Spirit. Culture - Absolute Freedom and Terror
Spirit - Spirit That is Certain of Itself. Morality
Spirit - Spirit That is Certain of Itself. Morality - The Moral View of the World
Spirit - Spirit That is Certain of Itself. Morality - Dissemblance or Duplicity
Spirit - Spirit That is Certain of Itself. Morality - Conscience. The 'Beautiful Soul', Evil and its Forgiveness
The Commentary Videos - Religion (paragraphs 672-787)
Religion - Natural Religion
Religion - Natural Religion - God As Light
Religion - Natural Religion - Plant and Animal
Religion - Natural Religion - The Artificer
Religion in the Form of Art
The Abstract Work of Art
The Living Work of Art
The Spiritual Work of Art
The Revealed Religion
The Commentary Videos - Absolute Knowing (paragraphs 788-808)
Absolute Knowing
Reason - Observing Reason - Physiognomy and Phrenology (paragraphs 309-346)
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