Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics Available Online For Free
A number of translations of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics are available for free online. These will be older translations, long since passed into the public domain, which is why they are free.
- Nicomachean Ethics, Rackham translation (Perseus Project)
- Nicomachean Ethics Ross translation (Wikitexts)
- Nicomachean Ethics, Ross translation (McMaster University)
- Nicomachean Ethics, Chase translation (Wikitexts)
- Nicomachean Ethics, Taylor translation (Classical Liberal Arts Academy)
You can also find the Greek original of the Nicomachean Ethics online
- Nicomachean Ethics in Greek (Perseus Project)
You can also find the text read aloud by volunteers in the Librivox project
- Nicomachean Ethics, Taylor translation (Librivox)