Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics (1) bk 1-5 - Happiness and The Virtues
study one of the most influential works of all time on ethics, happiness, virtues, and self-improvement
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One of the earliest systematic treatments of moral theory, Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics remains a massively influential work today. Not only does he examine lifestyles, happiness, means and ends, and moral responsibility, but he also treats each of the virtuous and vicious states of character in detail. He also focuses on moral responsibility, how habits are reshaped or developed, weakness of will, friendships and other relationships, the value of pleasures, and even justice and society.
In this first course of two, Dr. Sadler leads students through a close study of books 1-5 of the Nicomachean Ethics. The course provides access to lecture videos, handouts, worksheets, lesson pages, reflection questions, discussion forums, and even quizzes you can use to test your understanding of the material.
Dr. Sadler has been teaching Aristotle in courses for two decades. He has provided dozens of talks and workshops on Aristotle's moral theory, and has published articles and book chapters on Aristotle as well.
Your Instructor
After a successful career as a college professor, researcher, and administrator, I started our company, ReasonIO (with my wife and partner, Andi Sciacca) in order to help people study and apply philosophy in public, practical, and professional contexts. I continue teaching philosophy, literature, religious studies, and humanities courses at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design.
I take difficult philosophical texts, thinkers, and topics, and make them accessible for everyday people. That's how philosophy gets traction and remains closely connected with real life! The work I do with ReasonIO includes online course development and teaching, public speaking, organizational and ethics consulting, tutorial sessions, development of philosophy content, and philosophical counseling.
My work and expertise covers a wide range of topics, thinkers, and texts in western philosophy, ranging through ancient, medieval, modern, and late modern periods. Among the schools, movements, and traditions I draw upon are Platonism, Aristotelianism, Stoicism, Patristic and Medieval Christian thought, Dialectical thought, Existentialism, Critical Theory, and Philosophy as a Way of Life.
From 2016 to 2022, I served as the Editor of Stoicism Today. I remain a member of the Modern Stoicism, ltd. team. I am also the producer of the Half Hour Hegel series, which is nearing its completion. I have authored one book (Reason Fulfilled By Revelation), edited two volumes (Stoicism Today Selected Essays, volume 3 and volume 4), and published dozens of articles, book chapters, and encyclopedia entries. Although I work in significant part outside of the academy, I remain actively engaged in research and scholarship.
In recent years, I have held a Research Residency at the Institute for Saint Anselm Studies, been a Visiting Scholar position at European Graduate School, and was a Charles Chesnutt Library Fellow. I am also an APPA-certified Philosophical Counselor.
Course Curriculum
PreviewWelcome to the Nicomachean Ethics Course
PreviewWelcome to The Course Video
PreviewThe Course Text - The Nicomachean Ethics
StartA Bit About Me - The Course Builder and Instructor
StartContact and Interaction With the Instructor
StartSome Preliminaries - The Disciplines of Philosophy
StartUseful Video - Big Questions and Areas of Philosophy
StartSome Preliminaries - What Is Ethics About?
StartQuestions About The Class - Post Them Here
StartFor Additional Help With Class Matters
PreviewUnderstanding Aristotle's Dialectical Approach
PreviewCommon Frustrations in Studying Aristotle
PreviewUseful Video - How to Read a Philosophical Text - Suggestions
StartSome Useful Preliminary Resources on Aristotle and Virtue Ethics
StartHandout - Ranges of Moral Values in Aristotle's Works
StartHandout - An Aristotelian Map of the Soul and Its Faculties
StartSupplementary Video - Aristotle, Athens, and Alexander The Great
PreviewOverview - Nicomachean Ethics book 1
PreviewLesson Page - Aristotle on Ends, Activities, and Goods
StartLesson Page - Starting Points, Method, and Precision in Practical Philosophy
StartLesson Page - What Is Happiness?
StartLesson Page - The Multiplicity of Goods
PreviewLecture Video - Activities, Arts, and Purposes
StartLecture Video - Principles and Exactness in Ethics
StartLecture Video - Aristotle's Criticism of Plato's Form of the Good
StartLecture Video - Categories of the Good
StartLecture Video - The Nature of Human Happiness
StartLecture Video - Happiness and the Function of Human Beings
StartLecture Video - Fortune, External Goods, Other People, and Happiness
StartLecture Video - Happiness, the Dead, and the Living
PreviewHandout - Ends, Happiness, and Goods
StartHandout - Good Is Spoken In Many Ways
StartWorksheet - Activities, Ends, and Means
PreviewQuestions for Reflection - Nicomachean Ethics book 1
StartDiscussion Forum - Nicomachean Ethics book 1
PreviewQuiz - test Your understanding of Nicomachean Ethics book 1