The Course Text - The Nicomachean Ethics

For this class, no particular translation of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics is required. There are a number that are readily available, some of them for free online.

The text that I typically reference the most frequently myself is an older English translation by Rackam, which also has the original Greek text on facing pages. If you're interested in having that version, which will set you back about $26, you can purchase it using this link:

You can also find the text online, entirely for free using these links:

If you want to purchase a copy of the text, there's quite a few available. Here's some representative examples:

  • Nicomachean Ethics, trans. Irwin, published by Hackett - a decent translation to be sure, with lots of useful structure and notes.
  • Nicomachean Ethics, trans. Thompson, published by Penguin - also a decent translation, with a scholarly introduction by Barnes
  • Nicomachean Ethics, trans. Crisp, published by Cambridge University Press - newer translation, but you'll pay a good bit for it!

This is, of course, a book that you can quite often find in used book stores or in your local library.

If you enjoy listening to books as well as reading them, you might also be interested in a free downloadable version from the excellent site Librivox.

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